Harriet Marsh Page

Photographs ©1996 Malcolm J. Wilson

The daughter of a miner, Harriet Marsh Page grew up in a coal camp in Logan County, West Virginia. She now lives in a gracious hundred-year-old home in Cincinnati's Clifton neighborhood. "It's a long way from No. 9 Camp," she jokes. Or maybe not so far:  

"Actually, I never broke any ties with home because there were always people from home wherever I was. Even though they closed my high school, we still have high school reunions every year. In the odd years, they're in Logan, in even years, they're in some major city. This summer it's going to be in Detroit. Last time it was in Washington. New York, L.A., Denver. Wherever there are ten people from Aracoma, they form a chapter of the alumni association.  

"You know, there are people from West Virginia everywhere, and I always tell people, they're of a different spirit, a different heart." 

Perceptions of Home: The Urban Appalachian Spirit ©1996 The Urban Appalachian Council (now Urban Appalachian Community Coalition)

Photographs ©1996 Malcolm J. Wilson; Interviews ©1996 Don Corathers

Photographs digitized by the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library. Genealogy & Local History Department.


Ray Kassow


Jerald Robertson