The Urban Appalachian Council and The Urban Appalachian Community Coalition
During the forty years that UAC was active in Greater Cincinnati, advances were made, programs developed, significant research about urban Appalachian people and issues was completed. Advocacy, on issues and for individuals, was essential. Cultural programs included community festivals, storytelling and writing projects with youth, as well as story gathering. Stories from diverse members of our community about leaving their mountain homes became the exhibit - Perceptions of Home: The Urban Appalachian Spirit.
UACC builds on and expands the work of the Urban Appalachian Council. The Urban Appalachian Community Coalition was organized to ensure that essential, community-focused work in the areas of Research and Advocacy, Cultural Celebration and Affirmation, and Engagement and Leadership Development continues. Our community "believes in the irrepressible spirit of the Appalachian people, and that the nurturing of that spirit benefits Greater Cincinnati." Knowing that, we are engaged in an ongoing and intensive process within our communities - listening to urban Appalachian people in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and homes, and to partners, supporters, and allies. Their stories, hopes, concerns, and beliefs form the basis for UACC's work today.