Rose Chisenhall
I live in West Price Hill. I've lived in Cincinnati all my life. Born and raised. Well, my grandma and my grandpa, they lived down on River Road, off River Road. It was just an old farmhouse and it had no bathroom. They had an outhouse that was about 20 or 30 feet from their back door. So when I was a kid, I hated to go to those parties. Because they stunk. And I was always worried that there'd be a snake or a rat or something would pop out of the the toilet. But I love my grandma and grandpa. And I was always told that I was grandpa's favorite.
I'm the oldest and my sister is nine years younger than me, and my brother is 11 years younger than me. Mom had trouble getting pregnant. Actually, she was pregnant with me when they got married. I'm told that the day of their wedding, she was she was sick from morning sickness, so she almost passed out on the altar.
Family is everything to me. I mean, right now, I'm taking care of my mom. She's 85. She lives in the house by herself now. So my sister and I have been taking care of her because she had a fall about almost a year ago, I guess. She always says, ‘I don't want you guys to have to stay here.’ I said, ‘Mom, you took care of us all those years. I says it's time for us to take care of you.’ So we're taking care of her.