Erinn Sweet

My name is Erinn Sweet. I live in Newport, Kentucky, I am from Whitley County, Kentucky, which is Southeast Kentucky.  I grew up not far from Cumberland Falls.

I was at Dollar Tree yesterday, and I was in the checkout line, and I saw this Wrigley's Doublemint gum, spearmint flavored. And I just grabbed a pack, because it felt nostalgic, because my grandma chewed this gum. Before I even, like, picked it up, I could just smell it, right, the spearmint.  I love my grandma so much, and she's the last grandparent that I have alive. She really, truly raised me.

She was in the Red Hat society. You know what that is? It's like a society for kind of, like retired women who are just kind of, kind of like a sorority, but it's a community group, and they would hold fundraisers.

We used to arts and crafts, like we would paint rocks, we would play. We'd can, we'd shuck green beans and corn.

Sometimes things change and places change, and you know, you can't ever go back, but you can chew the gum and go right back.


James Owens


Donna Jones