Donna Jones

My name is Donna Jones, and I'm from Cincinnati. I was born and raised here. My parents were from Corbin, Harlan, and they migrated here.

We're very family oriented. We've had some tragic in our life, but that didn't define who we were, we overcame it, then we kind of defined who we were, and that's because of the influence of our culture. I think, of being Appalachian, we have people who, like, you know, no excuses. You do this, and this is what you do.

If you make a promise, you carry that promise out, you do what you say you're going to do.

I'm very blessed. You know, I'm getting ready to be 69 years old in a couple months. I'm still working. I'm still in pretty good health. And as you can see, I have a wealth of friends here.


Erinn Sweet


Debbie Hensley